Please mark the date for our club’s annual meeting. It will once again be potluck and we ask that members and guests bring food based on the guidelines mentioned below. The club will provide the setup and drinks. Entertainment will be provided by Freda Kossyk, who we all recognize as the egg lady. She will be giving a demonstration on the old custom of egg decorating. We will also have our election of officers as listed below. Please mail your ballot to the address on the newsletter or bring it to the meeting.
Club Meeting
Location (map)
Potluck - bring enough for 8 servings
A-J = dessert/appetizer
K-R = meat/main dish
S-Z = salad/vegetable
Annual Club Meeting - March 4 - Come join the fun!
Election of Officers - Czech & Slovak Club of Greater Kansas City
Please mail your ballot to Czech & Slovak Club, c/o Jana Rooney, 3353 W. 129th Terr., Leawood, KS 66209 - or bring it to the
meeting. If you have any questions, contact Terry Smitka at 816-480-4227.
Slate of officers
President – Terry Smitka o Write-in____________________o
1st VP (Membership) – John Brungardt o Write-in____________________o
2nd VP (Social/Programs)– Jana Hubbard o Write-in____________________o
3rd VPs – Jirina LaVine and Mike KalnyCommissioners to Ethnic Enrichment Commission
o Write-in____________________o
Recording Secretary – Joyce Cox o Write-in____________________o
Corresponding Secretary – Linda Vlasak o Write-in____________________o
Treasurer – Jana Rooney o Write-in____________________o
Historian – Gene Simon o Write-in____________________Your signature/date____________________________________________
Note: We will vote on proposed changes to our by-laws.